Releasing digital potential of the Polish economy
How entrepreneurs and public administrations in Europe can benefit from managing data based on cloud services? How the new the EU Regulation on a framework for the free flow of non-personal data in the European Union can help Polish businesses compete on the global markets? How can Polish entrepreneurs contribute to the Digital Single Market strategy development and improve security of cloud services? How to make data portability between clouds easier, especially for public administrations and SMEs?
The above issues were discussed in Warsaw on 30th September 2019 during the conference organised by the Ministry of Digital Affairs together with Directorate general for Communication Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission.
The conference followed other DSM Cloud Stakeholder meetings held in Brussels, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Madrid, Berlin and Amsterdam. The next meeting will take place during the Data Economy Conference hosted by the Finnish presidency of the EU in Helsinki on 25.-26. November 2019.
The programm starts with an introduction of The European Union Digital Agenda by Pearse O’Donohue.See more details about the programm as attachted in file agenda at the right side .
30-09-2019 - 09:00